You Decide Your Fate

Your fate is in your hands.

Life is full of ups and downs.

You don’t control everything that happens to you …

But you do control your actions.

You don’t control 100% of your feelings…

But you do control how you react to them.

You don’t control the cards you were dealt…

But you decide how to play them.

So if your life isn’t where you want it to be…

Ask yourself…

Have you done everything you can do to get it there?

Most people haven’t.

And that’s okay…

Because if you knew better…

You’d do better.

But now you know better.

So there are no excuses.

Figure out what you want in life…

And go get it.

Friendly Tip

If you don’t know where to start…

You should start with a life audit.

I can walk you through that process.


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