The Magic Pill for Riches, Health, & Everything Else?

I’m learning that you can’t rush things and you can’t force things.

When you do…

The end result is never worth it.

And most people haven’t realized that. So they keep chasing quick results and cheap highs.

Most people are constantly chasing a certain feeling.

  • The feeling of getting lucky

  • The feeling of being capable

  • The feeling of being successful

  • Happiness…

The problem with chasing a feeling is that you never find it.

You have to create it.

You do that 2 ways:

  1. Thinking the right thoughts

  2. Doing the right things

Thinking the right thoughts works well in the short term.

Doing the right things works well in the long term.

But only if you do the right things. If you do the wrong things…

It’ll lead to destruction.

Doing drugs to find happiness?

That’s a no go.

And I ain’t tryna be the fun police.

What you do is what you do.

All I’m saying is long term that’s a bad idea.

A better path is doing the right things over and over and over and over and over and over and over again…


And that’s the magic pill everybody is looking for.

But the right things can be different from person to person.

Your right things should be specific to your long term vision and goals.

And I know there’s a million different paths you can take…

But you gotta pick one.

It comes down to weighing your options.

Understand the pros and cons of each one.

Then go through a process of elimination.

Eventually you’ll come to a clear answer and you’ll know exactly what you should be focusing on.

And even though it’s a long game, you’ll start making faster progress.

And if you’re struggling with any of that, honestly… you might just be overthinking.

You probably know exactly what you should be doing, and you’re second guessing it.

And if you are, that’s ok.

Sometimes you just need an outside opinion.

If the outside opinion agrees with you…

You’ll have more confidence in your decision.

And if the outside opinion disagrees with you…

You’ll be able to think about something you might not have thought about before, and ultimately make a more informed decision.

So if you’re someone that likes to get a second opinion on important things…

Let’s maximize that.

I’ll help you:

  1. Weigh the options of the different paths it can take

  2. Understand the pros and cons of each one

  3. Come to a clear answer in exactly which path will be the best in terms of helping you achieve your goals


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