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FREE Self Coaching Template
This thing is a cheat code...
We all get stuck sometimes. And when it happens, it can be hard to find your way.
But this template changes that.
It’s called the CTFAR Thought Model, aka the Self Coaching Model.
The CTFAR Thought Model, aka the Self Coaching Model, is a journaling template that can help you create the results you want in life.
The idea behind the self coaching model is this:
Your thoughts create your feelings.
Your feelings create your actions.
Your actions create your results.
Circumstances > Thoughts > Feelings > Actions > Results
Here’s what you need to know to get the most out of this template:
Circumstances are facts, not opinions.
“I weigh 150 pounds” is a fact. It can be proven. Other examples of facts are “It’s snowing outside”, “I worked 10 hours today”, and “I have a son”.
The circumstances you use in the template should be facts, not opinions.
Circumstances are not good or bad. They are simply neutral. We can think about them as good or bad, and that creates our reality.
A thought is simply a sentence in your head.
It can be intentional (something you think on purpose), or unintentional (something your brain thinks on its own).
Most of your thoughts are unintentional, and you don’t even notice them.
That’s what causes most of your problems.
For example, thinking that life is unfair because you have to work a 9-5 job even though you really want to be a full time entrepreneur is a thought (not a circumstance), because it’s your opinion.
Even if other people agree with you, it’s still a thought. You can’t prove that life is unfair. You either think it is, or you don’t.
If you don’t practice intentionally choosing positive thoughts, you’ll keep repeating the negative thoughts you already believe. And this will cause you to keep creating the same results over and over again. Using CTFAR Thought Model helps you break this pattern.
Feelings are vibrations, or physical sensations, in your body.
Feelings should be described with one word. Examples: happy, angry, sad, excited, depressed, anxious, confident, fearful, proud.
Most people tend to avoid negative emotions and go toward positive ones.
Acknowledging your feelings allows you to see them as vibrations or physical sensations in your body, vs. seeing them as a good or bad thing.
Don’t confuse thoughts with feelings. For example, don’t say “I feel like life is unfair because I have to work a 9-5”. The thought is life is unfair. The feeling would be angry, sad, frustrated, etc.
Knowing the difference between thoughts and feelings will help you learn how to make yourself feel better. Once you know the thought that causes a feeling, you can change that thought and start feeling better, even if your circumstance hasn’t changed.
With this model, you can choose how you want to think, and how you want to feel.
Actions are the things you do. Inactions and reactions are also considered actions.
Your feelings cause your actions, inactions, and reactions.
For example, since you think life is unfair because you have to work a 9-5 job, you feel depressed. And since you feel depressed, you procrastinate at work.
If you want to take a certain action, think about how you’d need to feel to do it. Then, think about what type of thoughts would create that feeling.
Results are the consequences of your actions, inactions, or reactions.
The consequence of procrastinating at work because you think having to work a 9-5 job is unfair is that you’re always working from behind, leading to even more stress.
Your result is ultimately a direct consequence of the way you’ve been thinking and feeling.
Why Most Coaching Fails
Most coaching fails because it only focuses on changing your actions.
There’s no focus on changing the thoughts and feelings behind your actions. So even when you try to change your actions, your same negative thinking patterns continue to come up. And that causes you to sabotage your results.
That’s why it can be hard to make significant change.
And that’s why the CTFAR Thought Model, aka the Self Coaching Model, is great at creating lasting results.
How to Use This Template
Let’s do a quick recap:
Your circumstance is neutral.
Your thoughts create your feelings.
Your feelings create your actions.
Your actions create your results.
When you have a problem and want to see why you’re getting a certain result, and create a new one, use this template and follow the instructions below:
Step 1
Click the “Create A New Model” button. Then fill in the date, time, and topic.
Step 2
Start with the “Unintentional Model” section to see how your unintentional thoughts are creating unwanted results.
Start by filling in one line.
You don’t have to go in any specific order.
Just fill in whichever line you want to work through.
For example, if you want to know why you keep eating high calorie junk food even though you really want to eat healthy, consume less calories, and lose weight, you can put “Eat junk food” in the action line.
Step 3
Fill in the remaining lines. Here’s an example:
C: Dieting. Trying to lose 15 pounds.
T: Dieting is too much work. I’m tired cooking my own food, and I’m not losing weight anyway. Maybe it’s just not meant for me to lose weight. I might as well just eat what I want.
F: Depressed
A: Eat junk food
R: Not losing weight
Step 4
Repeat this process in the “Intentional Model” field. This time, focus on the thoughts and feelings you need to have, and the actions you need to take, to create the results you want. Example:
C: Dieting. Trying to lose 15 pounds.
T: I can do this. If I stick to my diet, I’ll eventually start seeing progress. I don’t need to eat for pleasure. I need to eat for health and energy.
F: Motivated
A: Cook a healthy meal that’s low in calories.
R: Start losing weight.
Note: There’s also a section in the template called “Future Model”. This is there in case you want to manifest a specific circumstance or result in the future. This one is optional, but the concept is the same. You would just fill out the template as if the circumstance or result you want to manifest is already happening.
Stick With It
You get the best results from this template by using it everyday.
The key is to progressively improve your thinking over time, so you start creating better results.
The goal of this template is to help you create results in your life that you might not have thought you were capable of. If you want even more support throughout your journey, fill out this form. I’d like to know more about your situation, and see how we could work together.
Good luck!