Do This When You’re Worried About The Future

The future will come no matter what.

And worrying about it won’t make it come any faster.

And it also won’t help you avoid whatever you’re worrying about.

But taking action will.

So next time you catch yourself thinking about the future, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What am I worrying about?

  2. What do I want to avoid?

  3. What can I do now to avoid it?

Then, do it. And keep doing it. And keep doing it.

Make it a goal.

Track your progress.

If you ever fail, ask yourself why.

Then address that thing.

If worrying about the future is a consistent problem for you, you probably have some limiting beliefs that are causing you to think you aren’t capable of getting something you want.

And if you don’t address those limiting beliefs, you’ll keep worrying about the future, and sabotaging your own success.

If you want help identifying those limiting beliefs and creating an actionable plan to:

  • Overcome them

  • Replace them with new beliefs

  • Build sustainable momentum toward the future you want

Fill out this form. Tell me about your problem, and if I think I can help, I’ll reach out to you.


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