3 Reasons You're Feeling Unfulfilled in Life

And a simple process to help you take back control and live on your own terms.

One of the worst parts of feeling unfulfilled in life is feeling like you can’t do anything to make your life better.

  • You hate your job.

  • You don’t get paid enough.

  • You don’t think you have what it takes to start a business.

And overall, you live the same old story, day in and day out.

You to work. You go home. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

This story can get old real fast. And if it sounds like your life, it’s easy to understand why you’d want to change it.

But luckily for you…

I have a solution. And if you use it, your life will go from unfulfilling, to one of the most fulfilling lives a person could live.

The 3 Keys to Having a Fulfilling Life

Being fulfilled in life comes down to 3 things:

  1. Doing work that you love.

  2. Having at least one hobby you truly enjoy.

  3. Truly being satisfied with the person you are.

If you’re missing 1 or maybe even 2 of those, you can still be somewhat fulfilled in life.

But if you’re missing all 3, you can forget about it.

3 Limiting Beliefs You Need to Get Rid Of

Now before we get into the solution, it’s important that I address some common limiting beliefs. Please understand:

  • Your life is not unfulfilling because you’re “just unlucky”.

  • You don’t need anyone to come in and “save” you.

  • And it’s not too hard to turn things around.

It’s much simpler than that.

The reality is…

Your life is unfulfilling because you allow it to be. Think about it…

In the past week, what have you done to make yourself feel better? What about the past month? Or the past year?

If you have tried anything at all…

Have you stuck with it? Or did you quit before you could see any good results? Have you had a negative attitude about it?

Be real with yourself about that.

“The only thing standing between where you are and where you want to be is a series of decisions that most people refuse to make.” - Dan Koe

You Need to Take Action

With that being said, the main reason you feel unfulfilled in life, is because you aren’t taking actions to stop that from being the case.

But what actions should you be taking?

If it helps, you can look at each of the 3 keys for living a fulfilling life as a bucket. The 3 buckets are:

  1. Work

  2. Play

  3. Self-improvement

And of course, they won’t fill up on their own. That’s your responsibility. But the thing is…

You can choose what you fill your buckets with.

And if you don’t know what you want to fill them with, the way you find the answer…

Is to start writing.

Writing Can Help You Live a More Fulfilling Life

Writing will help you get clear on what you want, and what you don’t want.

And once you’re clear on what you want, you can make a plan to make it happen.

So what do you write about?

Here’s what you can start with:

1) What would your dream job be? (For most people it would be something to do with being their own boss)

2) When you’re not working, what would you enjoy doing the most?

3) What do you want to improve about yourself?

Write down as many things as you want for each one. Then move on to the next step.

For your dream job:

Do you currently have the knowledge and experience you would need to make your dream job a reality?

  • If not, how can you gain that knowledge and experience?

  • If yes, is your dream job your current job?

    • If no, why not? How can you change that?

    • If yes, how can you make more money?

For the hobby:

Which one sounds the most fun?

  • Start doing it as much as you can. Even if it’s only for a couple hours a week. Make time for it.

For the self-improvement piece:

Which one of the problems you listed will give you the biggest benefit if you fix it? Once you have the answer…

  • Read articles about it.

  • Watch YouTube videos about it.

  • Talk to a few trusted friends and family members about it.

  • Or even seek professional advice if that’s what would work best for you.

  • But most importantly, when you get the information you need, start taking action.

And that’s the key to this whole thing. It’s all about taking action.

If you talk yourself into not following this plan for whatever reason, you’ll likely look back a year from now and realize your life hasn’t changed much.

If you want to see results… you have to put the work in. No excuses.

How to Prioritize Your Time

Before I let you go, I want to give you a final note on how you can work toward making your dream job a reality, while making time for your new hobby (or old hobby that you’re picking back up), and your new self-improvement journey.

Of course, if you have a day job, you have to keep working. And if you have a family, you’ll have even less free time.

So the best thing you can do is start with one thing at a time.

It’s up to you to decide which one you’ll start with.

Most people would say start with the one that can make them some money. But that works for some people, and not for others.

You might find that you need to pour all your energy into your self-improvement journey first, and then focus on the other ones.

If you think about it enough, and write about it enough… you’ll eventually figure out which one is most important to you right now.

At the end of the day, you need to decide which one will bring you the most joy. And when you figure out what that is…

Put all your free time and energy into it.

Then start working on the next thing. And the next thing… And you’ll start to feel better soon enough.

Thanks for stopping by the DreamZone.

I’ll see you next time.



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